Spiral zauria GASKET-CGI

Azalpen laburra:

Spiral wound gasket with outer ring and inner ring, consists of “V-shape”(or”W-shape”)metal tape and nonmetal tape, which are overlapped each other and wound continuously.To fasten the metal tape,both its start point and end point are tack welded. With the support of outer ring and inner ring, it could be used on raised face flange. Featurea Wide Scope of acceptable working conditions. Can be used under high temperature, high pressure and ultra-low temperature or vacuu...

  • FOB Prezioa: Negoziazioa
  • Hornidura gaitasuna: 10000 Pieza / Hileko per piezak
  • Port: Shanghai Ningbo
  • Ordainketa baldintzak: Western Union edo PayPal, T / T, L / C
  • Produktuen xehetasuna

    Produktuen Tags

    Spiral wound gasket with outer ring and inner ring, consists of “V-shape”(or”W-shape”)metal tape and nonmetal tape, which are overlapped each other and wound continuously.To fasten the metal tape,both its start point and end point are tack welded. With the support of outer ring and inner ring, it could be used on raised face flange.


    Wide lan-baldintza onargarriak-eremua. tenperatura, presio eta tenperatura edo hutsean ultra-txikiko baldintzetan erabil daiteke. Aldatu GASKET materialen konbinazioa da korrosioa kimiko GASKET aldera media askotariko arazoari aurre egiteko.

    eskakizun Ez oso zurrun gainazal flange zehaztasuna da. Azala gogorra batekin brida ixteko erabili ahal izango da

    Erraza instalazioa eta erabilera erabilgarri.

    Bikain Sealability

    Produktuak Mota


    Fitxa Teknikoa

    Produktuen & Mota

    Tamaina (mm)

    Tenperatura (℃)

    Presioa (Mpa)

    Spiral Wound Gasket filled with Graphite


    φ16 ~ φ3200

    (Ez-oxidizing ingurunean) -240 ~ + 870 ℃; -240 ~ + 550 ℃ (oxidizing ingurunean)

    (Ur beroa Under, olioa eta abar) 30 Mpa; (Lurruna olioa Under, gasak eta abar) 20 Mpa

    Spiral zauria GASKET amiantoak betetako


    φ16 ~ φ3200

    -150 ~ + 450 ℃


    Spiral zauria GASKET PTFE betetako


    φ16 ~ φ3200

    -200 ~ + 250 ℃


    Aplikazio eremua

    Spiral zauria juntura batez ere balbula & hodiak, presio ontzi, kondentsadorea, bero-trukagailu brida olioa, kimika, metalurgia, ontzi eta industria mekanikoan erabiltzen.

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