00:21 Intro videos.
12:18 Rick’s intro
12:56 Start MT Keshe. DL situation.
01:10:36 Start Space teaching.
02:09:50 Q and A
02:12:12 Fear. Emotions.
02:22:29 Azar. When are we going to become 1P 1R 1N?
02:25:32 Azar. Universal Council?
02:26:46 Sandy. Alien.
02:32:25 Jalal. Religion?
02:34:20 Azar. Entities communicate with government?
02:40:33 Pim Catry pendulum.
02:53:19 Pendulum France.
03:12:54 Klaus 2 pendulum.
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Post time: Oct-25-2017