How To Replace a Gerber Diverter Stem
Your Online Plumbing Resource For People Who Don’t Want To Call A Plumber!

In this video I show you how to remove and replace the the center diverter stem in a three valve shower body.

If you have never attempted a diverter stem replacement then I suggest you also check out my video series titled three valve shower body repair. You can watch them for free here:

Three Valve Shower Body Repair – Part 1:

Three Valve Shower Body Repair – Part 2:

I walk you through the steps on removing the hot and cold water stems along with some tool suggestions for getting the job done. The function the diverter stem is solely to direct the water to the shower head or the tub nozzle and with this repair you won’t have to shut off any water to the fixture itself. Just make sure the hot and cold water sides the shower body are in the off position.

To remove the stem you simply follow the same instructions out lined in my video “three valve shower body repair” where I demonstrate the removal of the hot and cold water stems. As you can see this stem looks a little different and has a two way function. When the stem is pull back away from the seat the water will travel through two openings in the stem that direct the water up to the shower head. When the washer is closed against the seat the water travels full flow down through the tub nozzle. Their is also a seat inside the body that should be replace when you install a new stem, don’t forget to make sure the stem is in the fully opened position before placing in back into the body. If it’s in the closed or halfway position, you’ll chance damaging the stem and or shower body.

In a world of new style single lever pressure balanced tub and shower faucets, the three valve shower body still exists and when they fail, the repairs have to be made. I hope the video shed some light on the subject of replacing the stems and seats in these style shower bodies

Watch the video and if you have any questions, please head on over to and get in touch.

For more about the tools and gear I use in these videos and in my plumbing business, head on over to the gear store at-

Happy Plumbing!

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Post time: Jul-03-2017